Photos By.. Maria Williams

Latest News
Vito Ameruoso's
Playing all the Top 10 Hits from !!
Motown & The 60's, 70's & 80's Thru Today

Vito Ameruoso's Vocal Performances with his band TAT2.. is among one of the very best !
As a World Wide Champion & Award Winning Vocalist, his performances are sold out months in advance with Theaters all over the world. He's 35 years in the pro music business and has fans amazed at his wide vocal range Falsetto to Baritone . As a Gold & multi Platinum recording Artist it's proof that his shows ARE a must see! All over the World Fans have agreed you won't believe what you hear, you'd swear the real Artist were in the building performing ! As a world vocalist it's never surprising that.. Vito Ameruoso's performances always leaves people in Awe and hungry for more !
T.V. media, news & magazines have agreed He shows are a must see!
Vito Ameruoso
Vito Ameruoso..
Always evolving,, Ameruoso's performing dinner theaters and clubs all over the country, as his show has been sought after for his stella vocal ability to capture the Falsetto of the Jersey boy.. Frankie Valli. His presentation throughout the show from his look and mannerisms will leave you hungry for more. Vito has worked hard to perfect Frankie's great voice! All though there will be only one Mr. Valli, Vito is honored to be able to entertain people everywhere with this great gift God has given him. Ameruoso will bring you back to the days of the drive in movies and classic dinners, with his stroll down memory lane as his tribute also includes hits from Motown & the 60's & 70's with his band TAT2. So sit back and enjoy the music !
Call for Package Pricing on
TAT2 Band & Duo shows
Click on email below to contact us
Contact Us ..
at our Office
Ameruoso Music Productions
Punta Gorda, Fl. 3398
Direct: 941-258-1959